Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Squidoo Lenses and HubPages for Link Building Purposes

Organic SEO Marketing has recently added Squidoo Lens and HubPage creation and marketing to an already extensive list of search engine optimization (SEO) services available to their clients. Squidoo and HubPages are very powerful social media websites which allow one to create their own piece of valuable "real estate" on the internet. With proper set up and promotion, they do have the power to gain search engine rankings on their own, but also provide high quality, contextual links to owners domain.

In recent years, search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing have placed more and more emphasis on a strong links footprint of a website when making their SERPs (search engine results page) calculations. It has become an absolutely vital part of SEO and yet a lot of SEO companies still do not pay enough attention to this very fundamental task.

Organic SEO Marketing utilizes a range of traditional techniques like directory submission, social bookmarking, blogging, article creation and distribution, press release distribution, to name a few, as well as more advanced techniques like Squidoo Lens and HubPage creation. All of these services are available at very affordable prices to small and mid-sized companies seeking better visibility for their websites online.

I don't need to tell you that internet has become an incredible resource more and more people turn to everyday for information on everything from local business and online shopping to keeping up with the latest developments in the life and work of Don Draper. Having a strong presence in the SERPs for your website therefore, is absolutely crucial to the long term success of your business and should be approached with vigor and dedication. Trying to keep up with the ever evolving landscape of SEO and implementing the latest strategies in order to edge out the competition could be a monumental task though. Hiring a SEO Company will free up your hands from trying to navigate through this process yourself and allow to concentrate on what YOU do running your business.

Call us today for your FREE consultation and website analysis at 888-456-6674.

See You On The First Page!!!

1 comment:

  1. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.
